Digital Marketing Services

What We Do Best

Using powerful market insights to guide business development strategies in the digital realm.

Websites That Perform

The design, development, and maintenance of websites, with a focus on user experience (UX) and functionality. A high-performing website is crucial for attracting and retaining visitors (prospects).

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO is the practice of optimizing a website to improve its visibility on search engines like Google and Bing. This includes keyword research, on-page optimization, backlink building, and other strategies to boost a website’s ranking in search results.

Managed Advertising Campaigns

Creating and managing the operation of online advertising campaigns across various platforms, such as Google Ads, Facebook Ads (and other social networks), and other advertising avenues. The goal is to reach a target audience, increase brand awareness, and drive relevant traffic to our client’s website to stimulate qualified leads.

Content Creation

Creating quality new content supports domain authority, SEO, and overall website performance. This includes content for webpages, blog posts, articles, infographics, and more. High-quality content is essential for engaging your audience, establishing authority in your industry, and supporting your SEO strategy efforts.

Video Production

Video production entails creating compelling and engaging videos for marketing purposes. This could include promotional videos, product demonstrations, tutorials, or a full YouTube channel with content that resonates with your audience. Video is a powerful medium for storytelling and can significantly enhance a brand’s online presence.

Website Hosting

Website hosting refers to the storage, security, and maintenance of a website’s files on a server that is accessible online. Reliable hosting is crucial for ensuring that a website is consistently avaiable to users. It also has a direct impact on the speed and performance of a website.

Why work with Sig Dig?

Data. Insights. Results.

Proven Results with Happy Customers

The results speak for themselves. People love working with Sigma Digital! We are results oriented with a process driven by market insights. Your success is our success, and we take that to heart on every project.

Our talented team has experience and knowledge across a wide variety of industries, including manufacturing, life sciences, medical, aerospace, military, logistics, and entrepreneurship. We thrive on research and data, so we are constantly growing into new markets.

Expertise in a Variety of Industries

Data-Driven Strategies

We use data and research to make objective decisions. Our customers appreciate our transparency and analytics that allow them to clearly see the results from their investment.  

We’re here for growing businesses and entrepreneurs who are cost conscious and want every dollar to count. Ask us about discounts for Veteran-owned businesses!

Competitive Pricing

How Will Your Company Benefit from Digital Marketing Services?

Businesses today benefit immensely from digital marketing services due to the dynamic and expansive nature of the online landscape. These services provide a platform for businesses to reach a global audience, transcending geographical boundaries. With targeted strategies tailored to specific demographics, businesses can connect with their ideal customers, fostering engagement and brand loyalty. Digital marketing services offer a diverse toolbox—from social media marketing and search engine optimization (SEO) to content creation and email campaigns—allowing businesses to leverage various channels and techniques to amplify their visibility and engagement.

Moreover, digital marketing services provide unparalleled insights into customer behavior and preferences through analytics and data-driven strategies. This wealth of information helps businesses refine their approaches, optimize campaigns, and tailor offerings to suit customer needs more effectively. Cost-effectiveness is another key advantage. Compared to traditional marketing methods, digital marketing allows businesses to reach a larger audience at a fraction of the cost, making it an efficient avenue for startups and small businesses to compete on a level playing field with larger enterprises. Overall, these services empower businesses to enhance their online presence, connect with their audience on a deeper level, and achieve measurable results in today’s competitive digital landscape.

Our Latest Projects

Check out some of our favorite new projects and hear how our customers continue to benefit from working with the Sigma Digital team.

What happens in a new website project?

Launching a new website that generates quality leads is an exciting and extremely valuable milestone for your growing business. There is a lot that goes into the finished product, but here are some of the key stages to expect.

Want some more information on the process and what to expect? Check the link below for more details. You can also contact us anytime to talk to someone and get your questions answered.


The data foundation for everything that follows. Guiding the strategy, SEO, and content creation.


The blueprint for your new website. We build the research into a plan of action.

Design & Development

The rough draft of your website. We put the plan into action with words & media on webpages.

Refine & Launch!

A final review to make sure everything is just how you want it. Take it live and start generating leads!

Ready to grow your business?

Contact us to work with a results oriented team that is ready to help supercharge your business development efforts and grow your digital presence.

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